Week 8 - Day 5




30 seconds - Walking Lunges with Hands on Head 10 x Pushups (Kneeling or toes) 30 seconds - Skipping (no need for skipping rope just go through the motion) 10 x Alternate Side lunge

Working Sets Part 1 (4 - 5 Rounds)

40 second on, 10 seconds rest between exercises and 40-60 seconds rest between sets.

Squat with Back Step Cossack Squat Wall sit. Arms above head if possible

Working Sets Part 2 (4 - 5 Rounds)

40 seconds on, 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds between sets.

Push-up with alternating arm rotation Tucked L-sit on 2x dining chairs. Push-up position with opposite arm and leg raised. Hold x2 seconds alternating sides.

Exercise Snack

3 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

10 x Single leg RDL Left 10 x Single leg RDL right 10 x Pushups

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