30 seconds - Jogging on Spot with high knees to chest 10 x Pushups. Kneeling or toes. With push-up plus focus at top range. 30 seconds - Jogging on spot heels to bum 10 x Alternate Side Lunge 20 x Reverse Fly (No band? Use bent over reverse fly with 2 x water bottles)
You'll need a timer for this one. Download SmartWOD if you dont have one.
30 sec work / 10 seconds rest between exercises and 60 seconds rest between sets. Record your reps per exercise and try to beat it next round.
Sumo Squat Air Boxing Alternate Side Lunge (with either mid shin touch or ground touch with hands) Glute Bridge Plank Hold either kneeling or on toes
5 x Walkouts 10 x Alternate Side Lunge 15 x Bench Dips