30 seconds - Jogging on spot heels to bum. 10 x Pushups (Kneeling or toes) 30 seconds - Skipping (no need for skipping rope just go through the motion) 10 x Alternate Sprinter Lunge
60 seconds rest between sets.
10 x Stationary forward step lunge with hands behind head (left leg). 10 x Single Leg Broad jump focus on catch (landing on left leg). 10 x Stationary forward step lunge with hands behind head (right leg). 10 x Single Leg Broad jump focus on catch (landing on right leg). 10 x Tuck Jumps Knees to chest.
10 x Reverse plank. Hold for 2 seconds at top. 30 seconds - Isometric towel row max hold (Bent over row towel under feet). 15 x Pushups (Kneeling or toes) 15 x Straight leg raise. (Bent knees if needed).
10 x Pike pushup 15 x Reverse plank up downs 20 x Straight Leg Raise.